Greystone Roofing

Find the Right Roofing Tiles to Make Your Home Attractive

When planning to build a house or just renovating the old roof, choosing the roof materials can be a little more difficult than you thought. After all, the roof is not only the element that protects your house from the weather, but also plays an important role in defining the exterior appearance of the entire property.

If you have decided to opt for tiles, you have several types to choose from – ceramic, metal, concrete – each with its own characteristics. Aubrey roofing contractors substantiate that the decision you make about the tiles will greatly influence other aspects related to architecture and design.

Aubrey roofing

Ceramic tile is the traditional product, available nowadays in various shapes and finishes, to be as close as possible to every need and preference, and can successfully decorate any modern or classic building style, despite being primarily associated with the Mediterranean style.

Concrete tiles are made from a mixture of natural raw materials: quartz sand, cement, inorganic pigments and water. If the shades of the ceramic tiles are limited by the natural color of the burnt clay, the concrete tiles can be manufactured in any color, to create special effects. In terms of shape, they can be flat or wavy, with a wide range of surfaces and textures.

As for the metal tiles, they create a perfectly uniform roof surface, the color of the roof depending on the paint used to cover them. These products are versatile and can even mimic the look of traditional tiles.